Idemili Progressive Union Amsterdam

udo na ịdị n'otu

vrede en eenheid

History of Idemili Progressive Union, The Netherlands
In 1996, the union originated in Den Haag Netherlands through the inspiration of Mr Felix Umeh from Nsukwu  Abatete town. He invited all Abatete indigenes that reside in The Netherlands to come and celebrate his newly bought house in
Den Haag. Mr Umeh opined to the entire invited guest that since Abatete indigenes residing in Netherlands are many, a forum has been formed to start the town union meeting in accordance with the custom back home. The aim is to
know each other and help when necessary as people from the same home. While this discussion was ongoing, a friend of Abatete indigene in their midst named Mr Franklin Chukwuazi (Emeka turn-over) from Alor town suggested the extension of the meeting to entire Idemili so that other people from different towns in the local government would be included. This was accepted by all and attention turned to Idemili meeting with immediate enrollment of names.
In January 1997, the union had her first inaugural meeting and was named Idemili Progressive Union. At the meeting, an election was conducted and Mr Felix Umeh emerged as first chairman while Chief Timothy Mgbeobuna
( Nzekwube of Uke) emerged as Elder.
As time moved on , the meeting encountered some challenges like every other organization but these were overcame because of relentless efforts made by some members like Rufus Ikemefuna (Baba Okula), Lady Sylvia Gotta,
Jan Gorter, and Ikechukwu Nwangwu. Others are former chairmen namely: Atinga Ezeonu from Akwa Etiti, Emeka Achusim, Patrick Chinyelugo, Austin Analikwu, and Anthony Okafor. Also in this list is Okey Egesi (Ezenwanne) who served the union as secretary from 1998 to 2012.
The current chairman, Okwudili Ike from Abacha together with his executives has fully stepped in to keep the flag flying high.
Okwudili Ike

Okwudili Ike


Onbehalf of all the honourable members of IDEMILI  PROGRESSIVE UNION NEDERLAND , I salute and send out our heartfelt THANK YOU to our friends and well wishers who patronized  us during the just concluded KWAKU SUMMER FESTIVAL held in Amsterdam.

We are blessed to have you all as friends and may God  continue to bless  and replenish you all .May we all live to meet again next summer . We love you all. ONE LOVE.
I also use this opportunity to thank  all my members who worked tirelessly towards the success of this year’s kwaku summer festival and the outing of our great ODOGWU IDEMILI MASQUERADE.  God will bless you all for your individual efforts and may he continue to  sustain us in Jesus name Amen. I love you all.